Monday, January 16, 2017

Your child's working week

I am a working Mom. I put in more than 40 hours at the office and come home to household responsibilities. I take my son to cub scouts and swimming lessons, and I go through spelling words with him at night. I would like to think that our lives are pretty typical of a family with two working parents.

When my son wants to start a new school activity I take a close look at it and try to think of its overall impact in his schedule as well as my schedule. Because I really don't want my son working more hours per week than his Daddy and I do. 

Evidently, that is a real danger now: With the amount of homework and assignments, sports, clubs and after school activities, children are now in danger of putting in an over-40 hour work week.

When I look back at my childhood, I had some activities that I was involved in (like Girl Scouts and dance classes) but they didn't take over my life. I still had plenty of free time to play with friends, read books, ride bikes and be a kid. I want that balance for my son as well. It's up to us to make sure that his life doesn't become all work and no play.

Does your child work more than 40 hours per week? Share their daily grind in the comments.

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