I'm a wife, a mother, a writer and a mildly entertaining chick. Sometimes I am all those things at once (that would be on a really good day.)
I have a wonderful, supportive husband and an energetic hurricane of a son that I adore. They are both mentioned in my writings as they are a huge part of my life.
Having a child has made me think of all the things that my Mother taught me and all the troubles that I put her through. For all those things, I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't listen. I'm trying to listen now.
On this site I share news that all moms could use, as we all figure out this technology-infused world of parenting together. Hopefully you'll learn something, hopefully you'll laugh, hopefully you'll call your mom and apologize. (She'd love that.)
Share your comments, your stories and your thoughts with me. I'd love to connect with you.
I'm listening.