But that is because I live with bears. And, in my experience, bears don't like waking up for anything that's not fun and games.
On the weekends, however, when my little bear is allowed to sleep in as long as he wants, he is a happy child. Ridiculously, run-around-the-house happy.
So, when I read about the idea of moving to a four-day school week for students, I have very mixed emotions. And since I love lists, I have put my thoughts in the proper format:
- Yes, sleep and the chance to allow brains to rest are important, but so is structure. At least in our family. My son responds well to a structured day, and even on the weekends, I ask him about his plans and goals and make sure he has a good mix of free time and activities.
- Would we switch to a four-day working week for adults, too? Changing to only four days a week for children instantly becomes a nightmare for families with parents who work full time.
- In a time when we hear so much about educational reform, wouldn't it be great to have four days spent in core classes and one school day devoted to the arts?
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