Wednesday, February 25, 2015

You might be making your spouse fat

My husband and I both work full time. And there was a long period where we worked in the same company (albeit different departments). And we both worked really long hours.

Then we had our little guy and life had to change: There were more important aspects to our life together than work.

Fast forward a bunch of years, and we are both still working hard, but I am definitely working longer hours than he is. Thankfully, he picks our son up from school (I handle drop offs). But it is definitely me that is sending the text messages that I will be late and he should start dinner without me.

I miss that time with my family, but I didn't realize I would be adversely affecting their health.

Researchers from the University of Illinois have determined that when one spouse works late, it leaves less time for the entire family to engage in healthy activities together. Because there are fewer hours at the end of the day, those families tend to eat less healthy meals (if they even eat together at all) and may be getting less sleep staying up later in the attempt to spend more time with their other half.

Happily, I do all our family dinner planning and prep work on the weekends, so dinners are mostly taken care of at night. So, at least my husband doesn't have to work too hard to get dinner on the table.

But, I definitely would like to spend more time with them in the evenings. I know that I can't control traffic, but I should be able to control my work schedule a little more. That means I need to leave on time.

Honey, I'll be home soon.

Who works late in your family? How does it throw off your evening? Tell me in the comments.


  1. My husband. It throws us off because the boys are ready for some roughhousing and just to spend time with their dad. It takes us longer to do clean up (kids help with dinner clean up) but if it's bath night, that's one more chore for me to do along with dinner clean up. When husband's home on time, I'm less stressed and kids are happier. But I always stress to the kids, we're thankful daddy has a job.

    1. I really like that sentiment - that you are focusing on the positive with your children. But it's good to admit that it is a rough time being the only parent at home at night.
