For months, I've become interested in my son's memories: What will his first long-term memory be? What memories from this age will he retain?
But at some point, I've realized that I've started losing some of my memories. I think back to my childhood, and parts of it just aren't there: There are pictures of vacations I don't remember, names of friends that escape me, everyday moments of home life that I haven't retained and probably lots more.
So, I need to work on boosting my memory skills.
And, to do that, I need to pay closer attention to my calendar. Every workday, an alert goes off at 3 pm, reminding me to take a walk. By that point in my day, I need the vitamin D, and the exercise. But, I usually ignore the alert because I have too much work to do. And that is a mistake.
New research indicates that we should all be taking a walk around 2 pm every day - both to help us learn and retain information. The walk gives us a break from the day and allows us to focus our thoughts elsewhere. Basically, the walk puts us into diffuse mode, which is what most of us need to solve problems and retain information.
Of course, there are memory-boosting games that you can play online as well, but I'm looking forward to the break from sitting all day. And, honestly, we shouldn't really remember everything that happens to us (that's a lot for the brain to handle).
How's your memory these days? Share with me in the comments.
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