Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Beat the clock

A few days ago my husband watched me compile my to-do list for the weekend. When I paused for a moment, he commented, "That's a lot of stuff to do in one weekend." I had three immediate thoughts:

  1. I'm not done yet. I still have a lot more things to add.
  2. This is more or less the same amount of work I do every weekend.
  3. I wish we had house elves.
Like most Moms, I have figured out the most efficient way to complete household chores. A lot of them can be done simultaneously - like laundry, cooking and dusting. But, we all have those chores that are done daily and singly. And those are the chores that I like to turn into a game: Beat the Clock.

OK, so my last game (Does this belong here?) didn't appeal to everyone. But this game you can play on your own. The rules are simple.
  1. Pick a chore.
  2. Guess how long it will take you to complete it.
  3. Set a timer.
  4. Beat the clock.
This game works especially well in the mornings when I only have a few minutes before the MommyBus leaves for school to fold laundry or empty the dishwasher (pro tip: Open all the cabinets/drawers before starting).

When you win - make sure to reward yourself in whichever way you deserve (a piece of candy at lunch or a sugary coffee drink work well).

Try it out. Post your best time in the comments.


  1. Cool idea! Are we moms always racing against the clock? I think I'm gonna give this a try.

    1. Gotta find the little joys in life wherever we can, right?
      (Loving the support from a fellow Lauren!)

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