Monday, January 27, 2014

The family that texts together, stays together?

If you couldn't tell from this blog, I love my Mom. (Hi, Mom!) I try to keep in touch with her - we do in-person visits, Facetime, regular phone calls and texts. I even sometimes play text games with her near her birthday or mother's day, where I will text pictures of my cat for a week until she tells me to stop it and send a picture of her grandson. (It's a fun game; you should try it with your parent of choice.)

I love that my Mom does so well with technology. In fact, she probably texts more than I do. That's a good thing as researchers at the University of Nebraska have released a study indicating that families use texts to help enhance relationships with family members. Additionally, 60 percent of the participants said they rarely lie in a text. Now, since the sample size in that study was only 150 people and I couldn't find the age breakdown, take the results at face value.

But, the idea is intriguing to me. My son is little now, but as he grows older, will I need to embrace the text message as a way of keeping in touch with him? (I am sure he'll be trading texts with my Mom long before me.) Or will there be some new way for him to keep in touch with me by the time he reaches an age I feel comfortable giving him a cell phone?

I am curious: Do mothers of older children text their teens as a way to connect with them when they are unable to have face-to-face chats? I suppose it is inevitable amongst family members, after all, I have no problem texting my husband throughout the day to let him know I am thinking of him. 

If there are any moms who text their children to connect with them more, let me know in the comments. I'm interested in hearing how you got started.

If you'll excuse me, I have to send my Mom a picture of my cat.


  1. I am a mom that will text and share links of important or funny information. I still insist on having one on one time with each or both of my teenagers. They will send me links to pages that they are interested in as well. So I get to learn more about their perspective. Most importantly, when they get home from school every day they report on each class and All classes they HAVE to report homework status, at least 1 thing happened during that class, and finally their opinion/ spin on what happened.

    1. Wow! What a great way to integrate texts into your daily communication with your teens!
