Friday, July 26, 2019

Where children don't live

A couple of times over the summer, we've taken our son into the city where we work. It's not a big city, but there are skyscrapers and a denser population than where we live, so to him it must feel big. Or, at least, bigger than where we live.

My son has asked me why we don't live in the city - especially since both my husband and I work there. The answer has varied - everything from the additional space our home affords us to the great school we are zoned for. For us, it makes more sense to live in the suburb.

We're not alone in that thinking as more families are removing themselves from city life. Blame it on the efficiency of suburbs, the need for more space or the idea of more safety...parents are headed out of the urban center.

I wonder what the long-term effect of this will be on my son. Will he want to eventually move to a city and experience a different life than he had growing up? (If so, I wonder if he will be looking for a bigger city than the one we live near.)

I guess the silver lining in all of this is that we have much more freedom to move about than so many previous generations. And that is something worth celebrating - no matter where you live.

Do you ever wish you lived a city life over a suburb life? Talk about it in the comments. 

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