Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Play that funky music, Momma

My son wakes up and asks our Alexa to play "Hungry Like the Wolf." There is a dance breakdown in the loft that is a thing of wonder to behold. Later, he will ride on his hoverboard and request that C+C Music Factory's Gonna Make You Sweat plays as he zips around the living room.

This is entirely my fault.

If it weren't for me, then my son might not know of these songs. I like to surprise him with a new tune every once and a while and see what sticks enough for him to request again. He generally lands on a catchy tune and plays it over and over until moving on to something else.

The same scenario happens with the music that my husband plays. He learns the names of the songs he likes and then requests them later - in this way he gets a broad exposure to lots of different music types and eras.

My hope is that we can continue to share music with one another as my son grows up, as music is one of the ways teens and parents can bond. Listening to a shared favorite is one lasting form of connection - all without words.

All of this is another reason to keep sharing tunes with my son, because one day I may need to pull out a favorite of ours and reconnect.

What songs do you like to listen to with your children? Tell me in the comments.

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