Friday, December 21, 2018

A little help with lunch

I usually pack my son's school lunch while he is brushing his teeth. I never really planned out this timing - it's just how the morning schedule seemed to develop. Because of this, my son usually doesn't find out what is in his lunch until he is in the school cafeteria, ready to eat.

Apparently, this is all wrong. He should be giving input into what he is eating for lunch. The link on that study posits that children add more vegetables to their lunches than adults do and that they can learn more about healthy eating habits if they help pack their lunches.

Well, drat.

My son and I have talked about long-term lunch packing. He knows that as he gets older, he gets more responsibilities and one of those will be that he needs to pack his own school lunches. (Monitored at first, of course.) It may be better for all of us if I figure out a time in the morning when he and I are both in the kitchen and he can start giving his input now.

Do you enlist your child's help in packing lunches? Tell me in the comments.

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