Friday, November 16, 2018

Your personal end-of-the-year traditions

At this time of year, I like to complete a pre-holiday purge. I tell my son that we need to clear out some space before his grandparents over-indulge him at Christmas. (Side note: I love you, Mom, and you know what I am talking about here.)

Every November, I have my son pull out unwanted books and toys that can be set aside for donations and future consignment sales. And I do my best to make some shelf space. I am so proud of all the hard work that we do. And yet, it never quite feels like enough.

I've talked before about how much I like to clear out spaces in my home. I currently have a few empty drawers that I am particularly proud of. But I have an additional goal here: I want my son to learn how to periodically clean out his stuff so he has that skill set throughout his life.

Too many times, I read articles about the overflow in homes. My husband and I have noticed a bevy of new storage spaces pop up around us. The message is clear: We all have too much stuff.

So, I really like my pre-holiday tradition of sorting and purging. Sort of an end-of-the-year clean out. It's not as festive as the traditions we have for Thanksgiving or Christmas, but I hope it is one that I can convince my son to keep after he has moved out of the house.

And, hopefully when he moves out he will take his stuff with him.

What personal, non-holiday traditions do you like to observe at this time of year? Tell me in the comments.

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