Monday, September 24, 2018

Learning to drive from the backseat

My son and I are on the way to school, and from the backseat of the car, I hear this:

"Mom, do you have any new episodes of the podcasts that I like? I mean not now, but when we get to the drop-off line at school. When we get to that point, and you park, and the line isn't moving, can you go through the list and put on an episode that I would like? That would be great."

A few things about all of that:
  • I am glad that my son looks forward to our time in the car together, and I've been able to pass along a fondness of podcasts to him.
  • There are some really great children's podcasts out there that we both enjoy.
  • He knows to wait until I am parked before I'll put an episode on for him.
As a working parent, I spend a good portion of my week in the car. Not nearly as much as families with multiple children in sports (so I am not complaining) but enough time that I need to review my overall driving habits from time-to-time. Because I recognize how easy it is to forget how dangerous distracted driving can be.

Our children are walking/talking reminders of our bad habits. I learned this the first time I heard my two-year-old son groan a little when he got up off the floor - that was my noise he was parroting back at me. Even now - even when I have convinced myself that my son isn't paying attention - I know that he is always listening and always watching.

So, I put my podcasts on my iPod; and my phone stays in my purse - just to make it a little more inconvenient to use in the car. And we try our best to drive safely.

How good are you at keeping your attention on the road? Tell me in the comments.

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