Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Bad day at work equals bad day at home

No matter how hard I try, some days I can't avoid taking a bad day at work home with me. I've gone through my bag of tricks: Listened to podcasts or upbeat music on the drive home, listed all the things I am thankful for, remembered to get hugs and kisses from my husband and son when I walk through the door...but it's no use. I can't shake the negativity.

And that seeps into my parenting skills. Suddenly, I become scary Mommy or Mommy-on-the-edge or just a bit too touchy. 

I am glad that it does not happen very often. I really love my job and the majority of the time, I have a great day. And, since work is the place that I spend the most of my time, I am grateful to be in a place and around people that put me into a good mood.

Because it is true: A negative work environment can lead to some negative parenting.

It's not fair, but it is one of those things we should all be mindful of. Consider this the next time work has you in a bad mood: It is probably better to announce that you've had a bad day to your family, so they can respond with empathy or leave you alone (whatever your preference may be).

We all want that time together at the end of the day to be as enjoyable as possible, but I think it is OK to excuse yourself from family time if you know the results will be negative.

There's always tomorrow.

How do you shake off a bad day? Tell me in the comments.

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