Monday, December 4, 2017

My son's future self

Like many parents, I am not as kind to my future self as I could be. Often, when I have the choice between doing something that would make my future self happier or anything else, I put my needs on the back burner. Getting out of that habit isn't easy, but I am slowly getting better at asking myself what future Lauren would have wanted me to do.

So, because I am now thinking about my future self, I am often thinking about my son as a grown-up. It is a completely terrifying thought that many of the decisions I make now will have a long-lasting effect on my son's adulthood. In the study on that link, researchers from the University of Leeds found that we tend to mimic the lifestyle of our parents, and we pick up on those lifestyle habits when we are 10.

How is that possibly fair? The thought that my son is watching me this closely shouldn't surprise me by now, but the thought that my lifestyle choices are rubbing off on him this early doesn't sit well with me. This has made me wonder about the habits I can focus on changing now that would have a big impact on both of us.

After all, we are both worth it.

What are some of your habits that you don't want your child to adopt? Share with me in the comments.


  1. I really don't want him to pick up on any "nasty" habits, like picking his nose, biting his nails, belching, farting in public, etc. Of course I want him to be "all boy", but I think by surrounding him with good role models, like his daddy and his uncles, will help him know how to behave in front of ladies! :)
