Friday, September 1, 2017

A reason to ask for that raise

Hey there, Working Mom.

I know you have been working really, really hard lately. I've seen you at your day job, putting in the extra time to get that project done, even though you would much rather get home to your family and hear about the amazing day you engineered for your children who are home for the summer.

And I know you took the time to research the additional fun activities for that short vacation at the beach - the one where you wanted to relax and get away from work, but you did check your email a few times when the kids weren't looking.

I see your mastery of multitasking - everyone on that conference call is astounded by the points you are making and none of them realize that you have a grocery list written on a post-it note next to your keyboard because you just figured out what dinner would be a few minutes before the call started and you analyzed your entire pantry from memory and remembered that you were low on paprika.

You are a Working Mom. So am I. And the thing is, I really love my job. I love the people around me, the challenges, the collaborative environment and (if I am really honest) the second income it brings to our family. And that second income gives a happiness boost to the entire family - especially when wives earn more than their husbands.

That is some pretty powerful news, especially since the gender pay gap is a hot-button issue right now. But knowledge is power, so maybe it is time for women to analyze their workload and ask for a raise. If not for ourselves, then let's do it for our entire family's happiness.

What is the best part about being a Working Mom? Tell me in the comments.

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