Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Leaving the PTA off your resume

In my job, I get to interview a fair number of applicants. I like that part of my role - meeting new people, hearing about their career journeys and goals, and asking why they want to join my team. I have HR-approved questions to ensure that I never ask an "illegal" question, but I am always surprised at how many people just offer up additional details around their life - especially when it comes to parenthood.

Let me be clear: I never hold parenthood as a factor for or against hiring someone for a position. I am just surprised that people freely disclose that information, especially with the mounting evidence that shows that parents face a lot of prejudice when it comes to career advancement.

Part of me understands: Parenthood is a huge life event. And parents should be recognized by companies for their amazing skills in negotiation (if you finish your chores early, you can watch a movie later), time management (start brushing your teeth while I brush your hair) and attention to details (you can't go to school like that, the email from your teacher said you needed to wear red and that color is more of a burgundy). But, unfortunately, not all companies think that way.

What I am saying is that maybe you should leave the fact that you are currently running the PTA off your resume until the rest of the world realizes how amazing parents are as workers.

Did your boss know that you were a parent before you were hired at your current job? Let me know in the comments.

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