Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Could you work with your spouse?

I am spoiled. For several years I worked with my husband at the same company, and now we work only a few blocks apart. This means that I am used to being able to have lunch with my wonderful husband on a frequent basis and that neither of us has to go out of our way to spend time together in the middle of the day.

I often think back to those days when my husband and I worked for the same company - albeit different departments - and we were able to share more about our days. Since we both knew the same people and how the organization worked, there was a better understanding of how the other person's day went when we discussed that topic over the dinner table.

My story aligns with the latest USU study finding that work-linked couples tend to have better family lives overall.

But I think there needs to be a caveat to that study about how close the work link is. As mentioned above, I worked at the same company with my beloved husband, but never in the same department. I am not sure how well our relationship would fare if we were working with each other all day and then tried to talk about how our days went at dinner. I imagine the conversation would be something like this:
"How was your day, my dear?
"You already know; you were there."
Or - even worse - we would talk about work all the time and forget that there are other topics of conversation that are far more interesting for couples to discuss.

So, for now, I think a little distance is good. (But not too far - I like being spoiled.)

Have you ever worked with your spouse at the same company? Did you like it? Let me know in the comments.

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