Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Why you should call your mother

There is a parody tea mug on my desk that says: Keep Calm and Call Mom. And there is a lot of truth to that.

It's no secret that I love my Mom. But I wasn't aware of how often I reach out to her when I need some reassurance, until I read this study by the folks at University of Wisconsin-Madison. Researchers placed a group of young girls into a stressful situation - doing some advanced math in front of a panel of strangers - and then either allowed them to get a hug from their mom, talk to their mom on the phone or watch a video beforehand. The girls who got some interaction from their mothers did significantly better.

The science behind the experiment indicates that the girls' levels of oxytocin rose significantly with their mom interaction and helped wipe out the stress-inducing cortisol hormones.

So maybe all those times I called my Mother from college before finals was my way to get some verbal reassurance and a better balance in my hormonal levels - even if I didn't know it at the time. And maybe when I call her today, it's not just because I want to hear her voice or see what she has been up to, but because my life is a little crazy and I need my Mom.

Because Moms are amazing. (Thanks, Mom!)

Call your mother - tell her I said hi - and tell me if you feel better in the comments.

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