Like a lot of bloggers, I follow a lot of different blogs. Every week, a collection of interesting, humorous or insightful information fills my inbox via RSS feeds and messages. And I make time for them in my day. Because I don't just read any blog; in fact, I am quite picky about what I read.
So what makes a good blog read to me? I've listed out my favorite types below (because you know how much I love lists).
Blogs that teach me something
I really like learning certain things (side note: No, honey, I am not interested in learning how the network cables in the house are set up). But the blogs that are going to teach me something are my go-to reads early in the morning. Whether I am brushing up on my writing skills with Busy Moms Write or looking for a few good tips from Mommy Inspiration, or random facts and trivia from mental_floss, these are the blogs that start my search for knowledge off on the right foot.
Blogs that tell me a great story
I'm a sucker for a good story. A fairly cohesive story with a decent hook will draw me in every time. This is one of the reasons I love reading Modern Maude - oh the joys of a 1950s housewife who blogs!
Blogs that make me smile
I am not one of those people who laughs really easily, but I love witty, or humorous writing. Make me smile and you've made my day. For that, I look toward The Blogess and Burgh Baby. I also love the amazing views of life that Twister Sifter shows me.
So what type of blogs do I avoid following? Mostly the ones that are extremely personal (just baby pictures and family updates), as I feel like I'm intruding on someone's life. And I get a little sad when a blog becomes spotty in publication (too many times I've dropped a blog because I've had no updates from them in months).
What type of blog do you enjoy? (Hopefully mine, since you have made it this far into the post.) Tell me in the comments.
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