Friday, October 6, 2017

A space for homework

I have a vivid memory of my parents installing a built-in desk in my room. It was a counter that was affixed to the wall, but I loved it. I thought of all the work that I would do at that desk. I made designer outfits with fashion plates and colored pictures and set up villages for my dolls there.

As for my homework - I did that at the kitchen table, where my Mom could keep an eye on me and lend a hand as needed.

We all need a place to study when we first start school, and the experts all agree that it is difficult to find the right spot. You need a place that is in a low-traffic area, but a place that can be monitored. A place where work can be done easily, but isn't too relaxing. Hint: It's probably not in your child's bedroom.

My son has a desk in the loft area outside his room. He currently uses the desk for...well, I don't really know what he does there. It is sometimes a collection space for Pokemon cards and there is a gravity maze and a collection of papers and pens there. Sometimes we clear it off and talk about him doing homework there instead of at the kitchen counter. But only time will tell.

Where does your child do homework? Tell me in the comments.

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