Monday, March 6, 2017

The parent you prefer

Like many mothers before me, I have always assumed that my son would have a few years of devotedly following me around before deciding that he wanted to be just like his wonderful Daddy, and then he would start following him around all the time. And, for the most part, this has started to happen: My little guy has started to decline time with me in favor of hanging out more frequently with my husband.

However, I am now not sure if this trend will hold. Scientists have been able to identify a gene that causes children prefer one parent over another.

I am not sure how I feel about knowing that information. I wanted my son to prefer spending time with me because I am fun and inventive and smart and great to be around, not because he has a biological imperative to prefer me (if that is indeed the case).

But I don't want to end this post on a negative note, so I will just remind myself that my husband has chosen to spend his time with me, despite having no genes that would influence his decision to do so (at least as far as I know.) I'm glad the three of us make a point of hanging out together.

Does your child seem to prefer your company or your spouse's? Share with me in the comments. 

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