Friday, July 6, 2018

When waking up is hard to do

In my ever-constant fascination with sleep, I continue to read about our circadian rhythms and how it's not healthy to fight our own clocks. Of course, that makes the world a little harder for my bears that I live with, as the world is built to accommodate morning people like myself.

One thing I found  in all my sleep research (that is a bit weird) was that morning people may have a lower risk for depression. While this study is not saying that every night owl will develop depression, it is also not heavy on the conclusions into why we larks tend to be at a lower risk.

If I wanted to speculate, I would guess that it is because the world forces people to be awake at an hour they don't want to be awake at and it messes with their biology.

But I am not a scientist.

All this means that I need to pay attention to my men's sleep and health and continue to be gentle with them in the morning.

Do you like being a lark or a night owl? Tell me about it in the comments.

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