Friday, September 7, 2018

Remembering not to nag

School is back in full swing here, and with it comes the change of schedules, additional responsibilities, need for greater organization skills and...oh yes: The reminder that nagging children doesn't work.

Every year I read a very similar article that explains how nagging your child is perhaps the least effective way to communicate. Instead of nagging, parents should get their child's complete attention, state what they want, have the child re-communicate that need and then leave the child to it. Of course, the parent should always enact some sort of consequence if the wish is not carried out.

Here are all my problems with this advice:
  1. No one remembers to do all these steps while you are also trying to pack lunch, put together dinner in the crock pot and help find a missing shoe in the morning. 
  2. When do you find the time to also go over what the consequences are for not following the request? Do you do that ahead of time? Or in the moment? The advice never says.
  3. Telling someone something and then having them repeat it back to you sounds great, until you actually start doing it. It doesn't feel like you are actually communicating...more like training a grumpy parrot.
Having said all that, I know I am just complaining because I forget to use this good advice and when I am stressed or pressed for time, I know I'll start nagging again.

Oh well. I am ready to try again this year.

How much of your day do you spend nagging? Tell me in the comments. 

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