Monday, August 13, 2018

Alexa, can you understand me?

"Alexa, what's the weather?"

"Alexa, play a song I like."

"Alexa, tell me a joke."

Those statements cover the span of my son's interaction with our Echo device. And I am OK with that. He used to ask her the time, but I told him that he knew how to tell time and he needed to stop asking that and go look for himself.

Most of the time, she understands him. There are moments, however, when his request to play a specific song gets lost in translation, or he is asking from too far away, and she doesn't understand. Since my son is a little older, he usually takes this in stride and tries again. But, if he were younger, I could see this being one of those scenarios that would have really frustrated him.

And no one wants their child to have a tantrum because the digital assistant didn't understand them.

The voice assistant industry is now trying to face that challenge: Of learning how different ages in the household request things. But the bigger question is still: How much interaction should your little one have with voice-assisted technology?

Since we haven't had it long enough to know the repercussions of it, my vote is still leaning toward the limited interactions that my son has today. I'm not looking for our device to be able to tell him stories or answer all his questions. He should still spend most of his interactions with me and his Dad.

Do your children have access to voice assisted technology in your home? Tell me in the comments.

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