Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Self-worth comes from Moms

I have a lot to thank my Mom for: My wit, my superior planning skills, my grit, my love of dresses with pockets.... There are a lot of lessons she taught me over the years - even if they were ones that I picked up on while just watching her.

I now have one more item to add to that ever expansive list: My sense of self-worth. It turns out that Moms are the ones who feed our sense of importance when we are young - even acting as a buffer to protect us from negative forces

That's a lot of pressure to put on Moms (what else is new?), but ultimately very good to know.

I tell my son that he is important and how much he matters to our family and the world. I tell my son that he is capable of so many wonderful things in his lifetime. It's nice to know that my cheerleading will eventually stick with him and feed into his sense of self worth when he gets to those bumpier teenage years.

I am sure there is a balance item to consider: As in, not over-feeding your child's sense of self worth. There is the reality that our children are not good at everything, but there are always areas of life that they are exceptional at. Highlighting the good parts is key to preventing long-term relationship issues, and negative self thoughts as they enter young adulthood.

So, thank you, Mom, for always reminding me that I am worthy and loved.

Who helps lift you up when you need it? Share with me in the comments.

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