Friday, October 26, 2018

Maintaining a grateful heart

I have been thinking about my morning routine lately. Specifically, I've been thinking through the tasks I take on in the morning and if there is a better way for me to use my time. Sure, lunches still need to be made and laundry needs to be started, but I am sure there are a few extra minutes that I could carve out to make time for gratitude.

I've read countless studies that have shown that taking a few minutes in the morning to write down or think through the things that you are grateful in life help make for a more pleasant day. It makes sense, but I need to practice this and give myself the designated time to do it in so it will become a lifelong habit.

I'm working on this now, because I think it will help keep me in a better mindset as I head into work in the morning (and face problems often before I am able to reach my desk), and it will help me be a better role model for my son. After all, if we want our child to be grateful, they need to see their parents modeling that type of behavior.

So the goal is really two-fold. But everyone wins. (Especially me.)

How do you find time for gratitude in your daily life? Share you tips in the comments so I can incorporate some of them. (And: Thank you for sharing!)

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