Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Shooting for seven

As our summer winds down and we get closer to back-to-school (or the "s-word" as my son has been calling it) I realize that my son and I will be missing out on some meal times together. During the summer months, he and I eat breakfast before he leaves for camp. Breakfast isn't a long meal, but it does give us the chance to talk about what we are looking forward to in the day.

In the school year, my son eats breakfast at school. So, while we still chat about what we can expect from the day during the car ride drop-off process, it's not face-to-face anymore.

So, we will be shooting for seven again. That is the number of family meals eaten together that produces the most benefits. In our household these are the opportunities we have for the three of us to eat together:
  • Dinner with all of us together Tuesday - Sunday (6 meals)
  • Lunches on the weekends (2 meals)
On Monday evenings, we have an event, so that is usually a one-parent-present meal. Breakfast on the weekends with everyone is rare as we have different schedules in the mornings.

So, as I look through my work schedule and our household schedule, I like to keep the overall number of meals in mind that we are spending together. It's comforting to know that most weeks we are meeting our goal, and to find ways to connect on the weeks we are not.

What tips do you have to make sure your family has meals together? Tell me in the comments.

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